PureSOx Scrubber
marine fuel

Alfa Laval PureSOx

Don't just comply - be a step ahead

Alfa Laval PureSOx scrubbers to lead the way

Alfa Laval PureSOx complies with SOx regulations aimed at reducing air pollution related to fuel sulphur content, including the 2020 global sulphur cap. Alfa Laval is the leader in marine scrubbers for wet exhaust gas cleaning, which ensures compliance while using HFO.

Choosing an Alfa Laval PureSOx offers you:

  • A combination of tried and tested equipment, hassle-free installation and proven results
  • Specialized project management and global service which help you stay ahead 
  • Years of operating experience at sea
  • Removal of more than 98% of exhaust gas SOx
  • Up to 80% reduction of particulate matter (PM)

Read the Alfa Laval PureSOx brochure to find out more.

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Straight answers about sulphur and emissions

Kate Schrøder Jensen, Regulatory Affairs Specialist, blogs about what the rules and technologies really mean for you.

Expert resources for your scrubber decision

Take advantage of our leading knowledge in scrubber technology and emissions compliance with these free downloads.

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Lasting economy with a Service Agreement

Read the latest case story to know how our service offer is supporting a Greek shipowner, Pleiades Shipping Agents S.A.

Read the full case


A step ahead for Safe Bulkers

Safe Bulkers has chosen scrubber systems for 20 vessels, to ensure compliance with the global sulphur cap. They explain the importance of having a reliable supplier and why they chose Alfa Laval PureSOx.


Alfa Laval in numbers

PureSOx is one of the leading scrubber systems. Get the facts in our animation or downloadable infographic.