Like the fuels themselves, the solutions for managing marine fuels are evolving. As fuel sulphur regulations drive the transition towards low-sulphur fuels, LNG, alternative fuels and scrubbers, new thinking is needed for the fuel line leading to the engine. Alfa Laval is uniquely prepared to move you forward, building on a century of fuel treatment experience and key solutions for every aspect of fuel handling. From protecting your engine to safeguarding your compliance and energy efficiency, we’ll see that you meet challenges of 2020 – and beyond.

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The Alfa Laval Adaptive Fuel Line

Alfa Laval fuel line solutions cover separation, feed synchronization, filtration, fuel conditioning and more. Because we work with all aspects, we can develop the fuel line as a single, flexible process that responds to changes and challenges in real time. We call it the Alfa Laval Adaptive Fuel Line.

In the spotlight

Marine biofuels

Marine biofuels like HVO and FAME can be used in diesel engines without major engine modifications. They have a positive impact on a vessel’s CO2 footprint, but their properties differ from conventional oils – so they must be managed carefully. With deep insights and the industry’s first biofuel-ready separators, Alfa Laval can help you transition to biofuels successfully.

Marine biofuels

Is slow-steaming the solution for full engine optimization?

Franciska Kjellström, Global Applications Manager, reviews slow-steaming and how the right equipment, such as Alfa Laval's FlowSync, can help you maximize your fuel efficiency and separator performance.

Franciska Kjellström

Roberto Comelli, Global Sales Manager, Fuel Conditioning Modules, Interview with Shipinsight

Fuel conditioning is complicated issue and with 2020 just around the corner, there are many questions about fuel availablity, how to handle fuel onboard, fuel quality and stability.

Roberto Commelli

Listen to the experts

Get face-to-face with the experts behind the Alfa Laval Adaptive Fuel Line and more. In these informative videos, they share their thoughts on meeting today’s and tomorrow’s fuel and application challenges.

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Engine protection

The daily grind – cat fines and engine wear

In the marine business, we’re used to thinking big. But one of the biggest challenges the industry faces comes from some the tiniest of things. And the threat they pose to the safe operating of the global fleet may become considerably worse.

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How Alfa Laval ALCAP™ reinvented fuel separation

High-speed separators remove water and damaging particles from marine fuel. Older designs needed manual adjustment for every fuel type. But ALCAP™ technology adjusts automatically to provide uninterrupted operation – with maximum separation efficiency, engine fuel economy and engine protection.

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Defeating cat fines with onboard fuel cleaning

Marine fuel quality can vary within limits. Professional fuel management is essential to avoid excessive fuel costs or serious breakdowns. Watch three well-known experts from the marine industry give their views on mitigating risk.

Fuel and energy efficiency

Marine fuels in the low-sulphur era

The global marine fuel market is steaming towards a major upheaval, as the industry prepares to enter the next phase of the low-sulphur era. From 1 January 2020, new IMO regulations come into force, designed to slash the amount of sulphur that ships release into the atmosphere.

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Better lube oil treatment

With changes in marine fuel types, lubricant requirements need to be reassessed. To remove insolubles and water from the lube oil, centrifugal separators are ideal to promote engine longevity and efficiency, regardless of the fuel type used.

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The evolution of ship propulsion

From steamships to driverless ‘ghost ships’, propulsion at sea has undergone tremendous changes over the past two centuries. Our infographic shows some of the key milestones leading up to today – and pointing towards the future.

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Global service – always at you service

Alfa Laval’s service experts help you achieve fuel line performance


Naše produkty

S a P Flex

Rad separátorov Alfa Laval S a P Flex je určený pre všetky palivá a mazacie oleje. Maximalizuje ochranu a efektívnosť vytvorením modulárneho separačného systému prispôsobeného vašim potrebám. Môžete si vybrať medzi pokročilým separátorom S, ktorý je najpredávanejším separátorom pre palivá a mazacie oleje na svete, a jednoduchosťou separátora P.

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Automatizovaný systém zmeny paliva

Automatizovaný systém zmeny paliva (ACS) je spoľahlivý, plne automatický systém na zmenu paliva, ktorý uľahčuje zmenu palivového oleja a zachovanie viskozity paliva v medziach stanovených výrobcami motorov.

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Moduly na úpravu paliva – oleja

Modul FCM One Oil je určený na úpravu bežných lodných palivových olejov, ale dokáže viac než len prispôsobiť čistotu paliva, tlak, teplotu, viskozitu a prietok paliva špecifikáciám motora. Môže byť tiež nakonfigurovaný tak, aby spracovával viaceré palivá, vyrábal palivové zmesi a riadil automatické prepínanie medzi nimi.

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Alfa Laval FlowSync je automatický riadiaci systém pre separačné napájacie čerpadlo, ktorý sa používa v systéme na úpravu paliva vo vašom plavidle. Synchronizuje tok paliva do separátorov na základe skutočnej spotreby, čo umožňuje lepšiu ochranu motora, nižšiu hladinu jemných častíc katalyzátora a nižšie náklady na energiu.

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Zabezpečuje obnovu oleja a zároveň znižuje náklady na spracovanie odpadu. Alfa Laval PureDry je automatický systém, ktorý z odpadového oleja oddeľuje tri zložky: vyčistený olej, vodu a sušinu.

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Filter 290

Filtre Alfa Laval 290 zabezpečujú jemnú filtráciu prakticky bez poklesu tlaku. Sú vhodné na rôzne použitia, napríklad na filtráciu mazacieho oleja pre štvortaktné motory a filtráciu hydraulického oleja pre dvojtaktné motory. Filtre sa môžu používať v kombinácii s rôznymi zariadeniami na odstraňovanie kalu, ako je napríklad odklonová komora alebo filtre Eliminator.

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ALP  three-screw pumps

Alfa Laval ALP three-screw pumps are developed for lowest operating cost and highest reliability with specific focus on the marine industry. ALP is the obvious choice for handling of fuel and lubricating oils.

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Contact us to discuss

We’re always ready to talk about your needs, whether it comes to specific Alfa Laval fuel line solutions or wider strategies for meeting the fuel challenges of 2020 and beyond. Let us know what’s on your mind and we’ll get in touch.

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